Well folks, I'm up to my old tricks again. After a restful two week vacation in Missouri, I made it back to Minnesota and have started working on A Christmas Carol. I am so excited to be doing this show because it is such a staple here and since my job includes stage management intern duties and child supervision, I am going to get paid!!!
It has been a very long time since I posted last (slap on the wrist for me) and I have a lot to update so I'll be brief and just cut to the chase on most of these points.
Much Ado opened with very little to-do, which is nice and got into performances very smoothly. My family came up to see me and to see the show and they were impressed. It's nice that they got to see me doing so well and got to familiarize themselves with my surroundings so they don't constantly picture me out in the abyss flailing around.
I was supposed to help out on the studio show, The Edge of Our Bodies, but it is a one-woman show so they didn't see much need for me to sit around for 40 hours per week twiddling my thumbs so I got some time off. I helped out with prep for Bodies and also worked as a helper at an opening night party before I went back to Missouri. Helping with the party was awesome! Not only did I get paid to mingle, drink, dance, eat and carouse but I was also sent home with enough Greek food to feed me for a week and a flower arrangement. Connection to recent news: I booked another party helper gig, so I'm hoping to come away with some free stuff from that too!
It was wonderful to see my family while I was on vacation. Since I won't be home for the holidays this year, we all got together and spent some much needed family time hanging out, so it was like Thanksmas Eve in October. I was also home in time for Truman's Homecoming and the first main stage show of the season, A Melancholy Play which was great! It was weird to be back at Truman because I can tell that I do not belong there anymore, but it was fantastic to be able to support my friends in their success on stage and off just like they supported me.
I spent some time at home looking for jobs, reading and hanging out with the three friends I still have in my hometown.
Okay, so I guess that wasn't really that much to update. So now I'm all caught up and I'm going to work to keep this thing up to date and relevant to what is actually going on in my life.